Mark your calendar and alert your congregation that April 28, 2018 the Oklahoma Region invites everyone to the combined 2018 Regional Assembly and Leadership Training School.
This year we’ve created a single event to host a variety of training workshops with the regional business of Oklahoma’s biennial Regional Assembly. Participants will experience the energy and enthusiasm of one of the nation’s top clergy during worship! Plus we’ll have exceptional workshops for lay leaders and clergy that you’ve come to enjoy.
New Covenant Christian Church is graciously hosting our event and is excited to welcome us to their beautiful facility in north Oklahoma City.
So be sure to reserve Saturday, April 28, 2018! We are also planning special activities for the Friday before and will keep you posted as they develop. (Download the Save the Date slide for use in your worship service)
Stay tuned as our 2018 RA/LTS team moves into action and plans this exciting event for next spring!
Pam Holt, Regional Minister
P.S. Have a workshop idea? Submit it to [email protected]