This meeting has been canceled. We hope to gather later in the year.
Dear Retired Clergy Friends,
The next gathering of the Retired Ministers Fellowship will take place on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 10:30am. We hope you’ll join us at Southern Hills Christian Church located at 3207 S. Boulevard, Edmond, OK. Please plan to join us for lunch following the meeting. The lunch location will be announced at the meeting.
Our meetings are primarily fellowship, and occasionally a program. David Hockensmith will provide an update on the Moral Injury ministry in Oklahoma.
We are working toward several gatherings each year and want to invite you to participate. We are imagining these gatherings to be three times per year: one in the OKC area, one in the Tulsa area, and one alternating between Stroud and Enid.
Future 2020 gatherings will be:
- Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at Christian Church of the Covenant located at 1205 S. Cleveland, Enid
Please make your reservation through the Regional Office by contacting Ellen Beer, Exec. Assistant at (405) 528-3577 (M-Th 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or emailing [email protected]. Spouses and friends are welcome to join.
We look forward to seeing you!
Rev. Bill Shields Regional Minister Rev. Pam Holt
(405) 820-5693 (940) 327-9282
[email protected] [email protected]