Registration Underway for Faith Community Nurses’ Conference

The 14th Annual Faith Community Nurses’ Association Virtual Conference “Finding Peace Through Spiritual Self Care” will be held March 5, 2021. The conference will educate the Faith Community Nurse and church leaders to

  • define serenity for spiritual self-care of the faith community nurse,
  • list three spiritual practices that could be used to help find peace, reduce anxiety, develop acceptance of own limitations, and increase own trust in God,
  • discuss how prayer, quiet time, nature, and intimacy with scripture increase inner peace and decrease anxiety,
  • and identify positive habits to develop increased trust in God and thereby enhance personal serenity.

The message of John 14: ” Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” will guide the day. This virtual conference will provide spiritual practices needed to guide nurses and health ministers interested in spiritual self-care.

Online registration is available only through Survey Monkey

Registration for the one-day for the FCNA OK Member is $55 for payments received before 2/7/2021. Non FCNA OK Member $80 for payments received before 2/7/2021.

Clergy $60 for payments received before 2/7/2021.

Call or check online for rates after 2/7/21.

FCNA OK is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course is approved for 6.25 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, LPN, or LMHT relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number LT0298-0316, KAR 60-7-107 (b)(3)(C).

For registration and brochure, see the FCNA website downloads page or register online through Survey Monkey and pay by or contact [email protected].