Press Release From East Side Christian Church:

85 years ago, 65 people met on a cold December day in 1933. They gathered near the intersections of 11th and Harvard in a room that would later become a beer parlor. An ordained UMC Minister named Frank J. Pippin made a suggestion that a new church be formed at 15th and Indianapolis. With the support of First Christian Church downtown Tulsa and others, that dream led to their first small building that is now an education wing.

East Side Christian Church was forged out of a desire for people “east” of town to be able to go to church, and with support from various people, a sanctuary was built in the art deco style. While updates have occurred, the outside of the building still is a beacon to that era.

Spending over two years in discernment and prayer, the congregation voted 100% to sell our building and move. After much more prayer, we have partnered up with Forest Park Christian Church at 91st and Mingo and we will be joining with them and celebrate Easter together on April 21st. Our last Sunday Services will be on Palm Sunday on April 14th.

We are a church of the people, not the steeple and to keep a building of this size open was not being good stewards of our call to show love to the community. We have chosen to partner with Forest Park Christian Church (DOC) because they hold the same values, theology and love that we have focused on for the many years.

Though we hate leaving our building behind, we know that our faith is not in a structure or nostalgia, but in a Creator, who made us to love others and to show that love. We will be able to do that better in a smaller space in south Tulsa.

We will continue our outreach projects like Cuppa-Thanks, but also look for new needs in our new community.

Signs at our church will soon change to let our neighbors and community know.

For information about our property, correspondence can be made to Kelly McKoy with McKoy Company at 918 403-9160 or email [email protected].

Please contact Rev. Evan Taylor at the above contact if you have any questions.

Click HERE to download the Press Release