Requirements for Standing in the Christian Church in Oklahoma (Disciples of Christ)
Please see the policy document from the Commission on Clergy regarding requirements for standing.
2025 Request for Standing
Healthy Boundaries (Sexual Ethics Seminar)
The Healthy Boundaries seminar introduces guidelines for appropriate sexual conduct for pastors and other church leaders in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma. The seminar also clarifies policies and procedures that govern misconduct as well as providing tools and information to deal with sexual/physical abuse.
This seminar is required of all those who seek standing in the Oklahoma region.
The Commission on Clergy approved the following policy change on March 11, 2024.
“Effective January 1, 2025, clergy will complete a Healthy Boundaries training every five years to meet Standing requirements. This policy will be retroactive to the last Healthy Boundaries training in which an individual participated.”
Check the Continuing Education schedule of events for the next scheduled seminar.

Ministerial Practices Seminar
Ministerial Practices Seminar is an overnight experience for those seeking commissioning or transferring from another faith tradition within Oklahoma. Facilitators are from Phillips Theological Seminary and regional pastoral staff members from Oklahoma. Check the Continuing Education schedule of events for the next scheduled seminar.
The Ministerial Practices Seminar participants receive written information and experience many of the practical aspects of ministry. Classes include baptism (participants actually baptize another individual), weddings (liturgy and legal aspects), funerals , congregational polity, family systems, visitations (hospital, and other visitations), communications (use of media), worship, communion, administration (general, regional and local requirements), and stewardship (both corporate and personal).
The Commission on Clergy will only consider commissioning for those who have completed the Ministerial Practices Seminar.