
Caminante Mission Group Delivers Important Supplies

Six individuals from the Oklahoma Region delivered much needed supplies on a mission trip to Caminante in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic July 29 – August 5, 2016. Caminante is a Global Ministries Partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The mission focuses on education and counseling for children, teenagers and adults. It is located in Boca Chica, a beach-resort town with a 30% unemployment rate and significant social problems.

Encouraging Good Health

The group took over 500 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste, two large suitcases filled with clothing, $500 for school supplies, and baseballs. These supplies encourage Caminante’s mission to support the health and well-being of the children and adolescents.
Participants included Robert Hall (First Christian Church Norman), and college students Allison Wenthold (Hillcrest Christian Church, Oklahoma City) and Taylor Anderson (Lifeway Church, Moore), retired minister Don Johnson (Central Christian Church, Enid), hospital chaplain Steve Samples (Enid), and minister Loma Sullivan (Woodlands Christian Church, Ponca City),

Learning Ways to Help Each Other in Mission

The purpose of this 2016 trip was to

  • See how the mission of Caminante has grown and changed.
  • Discover how the Oklahoma Region may help Caminante with their mission.
  • Determine how Caminante could help the Oklahoma Region with our ministries.
  • Select specific dates for mission trips in 2017.

Don Johnson said they are grateful to Loma Hernandez, coordinator, People- to-People Pilgrimage Program, and Toni Reynolds, the current Global Ministries Intern at Caminante. “They did an excellent job in helping to arrange the trip, in providing lodging and transportation, and showing us the excellent and productive missions of Caminante.”

Plans Underway for Two 2017 Trips

A January or February 2017 trip for 7-9 individuals would deliver dental supplies, clothing, back packs, craft supplies, sporting goods, and money for school supplies.

A July 2017 trip would be focused on a summer camp program. Participants would include 12-14 teens, college students or young adults, and 3 adults. The group would deliver dental supplies, clothing, back packs, craft supplies, sporting goods, and money for school supplies.

Learn More

For more information on the Caminante mission activities please contact Don Johnson at 580-402-2612 or the Regional Office [email protected] 405-528-3577.

2017-01-08T11:02:59-06:00Aug 16, 2016|Mission|Comments Off on Caminante Mission Group Delivers Important Supplies

Mission Guthrie Unites Youth in Community Service

Over 200 DOC youth and sponsors from across the state plus a Texas youth group will be participating in Mission Guthrie July 16-20th.

This year’s theme is “Here Comes the Son – Project 7:16”. They were filled with awe and praised God…God has come to help his people. Luke 7-16

They’ll pour their enthusiasm, energy and hard work into a variety of work sites. Service projects include Guthrie Public Schools (paint lockers, stripe parking lots, clean playgrounds), Guthrie City Parks cleanup, and a number of private resident projects.

Fellowship is a huge part of the mission week. Host church FCC Guthrie is rolling out the red carpet to welcome them to the community. A Community Block Party starts at 7:00 pm Saturday featuring live music, food trucks and lawn games – all are invited.

It takes a lot of food and volunteers to host an event of this size. If you have an interest in providing or handing out food, setting up, participating at a work site, or just being a part of the excitement, please contact Mission Guthrie coordinator Staci Carey (405-831-5509 [email protected]) or FCC Guthrie associate pastor Karen Allen at the church (405) 282-4080 [email protected].

Keep up with the action!

Twitter @missiongut
Facebook Mission Guthrie 2016


Participating Youth Groups

Central Christian Church, Enid
Crown Height CC, OKC
FCC Claremore
FCC Duncan
FCC El Reno
FCC Guthrie
FCC Stillwater
FCC Woodward
Hillcrest CC, OKC
Southern Hills CC, Edmond
The Welcome Table CC, Arlington, TX

2017-01-08T11:03:02-06:00Jul 11, 2016|Mission, Youth|Comments Off on Mission Guthrie Unites Youth in Community Service

July Mission to Caminante

The Oklahoma Region is sponsoring a mission trip to Caminante in the Dominican Republic from July 29 – August 5. Caminante is a Global Ministries Partner of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It is located in Boca Chica, a beach-resort town with a 30% unemployment rate and significant social problems.

Caminante Offers Resources for a Better Life

The mission focuses on education and counseling for children, teenagers and adults. Henry Brewer-Calvert, a recent Global Ministries Intern at the site, recently spent three weeks talking to churches across Oklahoma about the successful growth of this mission. Participants in this month’s trip will see how the mission of Caminante has grown.

Participants Include Students, Clergy and Teacher

Co-leaders are Rev. Donald Johnson from Central Christian Church, Enid and Rev. Loma Sullivan from Woodlands Christian Church, Ponca City. Others traveling on the mission trip include Rev. Dr. Stephen Samples, a middle school teacher and chaplain at St. Mary’s Hospital, Enid, Taylor Anderson a student at Oklahoma University, and Allison Wenthold, a recent Oklahoma City high school graduate.

Allison, an excellent dancer and Taylor, an excellent baseball player, hope to meet with teenagers and young adults.

Working, Learning &  Fellowship

Participants will work, paint, make coconut jewelry, teach English and learn Spanish as well as worship with our mission partners.

The group will deliver dental supplies, school supplies, T-shirts and baseball hats with American sports’ team logos.

They will learn about new priorities for Caminante. In addition, the group will learn how to partner with them in education and how Caminante can help our churches in Oklahoma – a mutuality of missions.

Trips Planned for 2017

Rev. Johnson says preliminary dates for future 2017 mission trips are expected to be in early February and July. Partial scholarships are available.

Please contact the Regional Office if you are interested in learning more about Caminante or to request a speaker to come to your church. We’d also love to hear from you if you are interested in participating in a future mission trip. 405.528.3577

See a slide show and learn more. >>

2017-01-08T11:03:02-06:00Jul 7, 2016|Mission|Comments Off on July Mission to Caminante

July Mission Trip to Caminante Needs Volunteers

The Oklahoma Region was just notified that we have the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Caminante in the Dominican Republic. This trip will start on July 26, 2016 and end on August 4. This is short notice, but it is a very worthwhile opportunity.  We need five more people to make this trip.

Scholarships Available

There are scholarships available, particularly for older teens and young adults. The cost of this trip is $1300 to $1500 depending on air fare. The Oklahoma Region can also help a participant with fund raising for their trip. An older teenager could go on this trip if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

This ministry of Caminante is in the seaside city of Boca Chica, a city with 35% unemployment. This mission is operated by the Catholic Church and it provides educational opportunities for children, teenagers and adults that allows them to stay in school and learn the skills for excellent-paying jobs.

If you’re interested contact Don Johnson at 580-402-2612 or Ellen Beer at the Regional Office 405-528-3577.

2016-06-02T15:59:02-05:00Jun 2, 2016|Mission|Comments Off on July Mission Trip to Caminante Needs Volunteers

Global Ministry Intern Visits Oklahoma

Henry Brewer-CalvertOklahoma is very excited to announce that Henry Brewer-Calvert, Global Mission Intern in the Dominican Republic, will be touring the Oklahoma Region June 13 – 30. He will be visiting congregations, clergy groups, women’s groups, and camps to share his experience with our global ministry partner, Caminante in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic.

Caminante, “one who walks the path”, is a mission organization working in the city of Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic. Closely aligned with and supported by our denomination’s Division of Overseas Ministries, Caminante provides a variety of vocational and educational ministries to children and youth at risk of being lured into illicit drug and sex trades that are rampant in this growing tourist mecca. Learn more about Oklahoma’s connection to Caminante.

Meet Henry

We invite you to join Henry anywhere along the journey! Henry’s itinerary is now available.

You may read more about Henry and his work through Caminante at Global Ministries.

2017-01-08T11:03:05-06:00Jun 2, 2016|Mission|Comments Off on Global Ministry Intern Visits Oklahoma

Caminante Mission Trip

On April 16, Yvonne Lewis, Mark Clemons and Ed Gore departed for a week long mission trip to Caminante, Dominican Republic (seated Yvonne Lewis, Mark Clemons. L-R Mary Beth Becker, Don Johnson, Ed Gore).

The Disciples of Christ in Oklahoma partners with ‘One Who Walks the Path’, a non-profit organization who helps with children’s education and programs, vocation for young adults, family counseling, and advocacy for child and human rights.

The important work of this mission also includes sharing the good news of Christ. These photos tell the story.

2017-01-08T11:03:11-06:00Jul 9, 2015|Mission|Comments Off on Caminante Mission Trip
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