
Caminante Mission Trip Update: March 2019

The group of Disciples of Christ volunteers have returned safely from the Caminante Mission Trip to Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. Thank you to Shauna Becker, Blake Becker, Brian Becker, Rev. Donald Johnson, Esilla Regaldo, Beverly Rubino, Madison Rubino, and Shelby Rubino for giving of your time, money, and talents to serve others in this ministry.

In March 2019, eight people from three Oklahoma Disciples of Christ churches (Central Christian Church Enid, First Christian Church Edmond, First Christian Church Midwest City) went on a mission trip to Caminante in the Dominican Republic. The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation, the Oklahoma Region, and local churches provided partial scholarships to help the participants with their trip expenses.

The group took ten suitcases of clothing, baseball equipment, and dental supplies for the local children. They made crafts with the children in the homework rooms and made coconut jewelry with Haitian teenage orphans. They visited the sugar cane plantations and walked the streets of Boca Chica at night to deliver supper to orphans “street children”.

They visited the vocational school where young adults learn job skills that provide them with job opportunities for living wages. They worshiped in a church in the capital city of Santo Domingo and had devotion time every evening. The group talked about how they saw the face of Jesus in the work of Caminante.

The group of Disciples saw first-hand how Sister Denise, volunteers, and her staff change the lives of children, teenagers, and young adults. They were told that when people from the United States come and support Caminante, “we bring them the love of Jesus Christ and we give them hope”.

  • Are you interested in going on a mission trip to Caminante in late July 2019 or March of 2020? Call the Regional Office for more information. 405-528-3577
  • Would you like a speaker to come to your church and share about the Caminante Ministry? Call the Regional Office to arrange a visit. 405-528-3577

Do you want to help support Caminante? Here is how:

DONATE: Support Caminante by giving a monetary donation. Click HERE to give online. (Use the “Other” Category and note “Caminante”). You may also mail a donation to the Oklahoma Regional Office at 301 NW 36th, Oklahoma City, OK 73118

PRAY: Pray for the ministry, for the people planning to travel in July, and the children of the Dominican Republic.

TRAVEL: Consider traveling for the next mission trip in July 2019.

2019-04-08T10:21:51-05:00Apr 8, 2019|Mission|Comments Off on Caminante Mission Trip Update: March 2019

2019 Caminante Mission Trips to the Dominican Republic

The Oklahoma Region is planning two mission trips to Caminante in the Dominican Republic in 2019:

  •       March 16 – 23, 2019 (This trip is now full. Contact the Regional Office to be put on a waiting list)
  •       July 21 – 30, 2019

These mission trips not only change the lives of the participants, but they also change the lives of the children we minister to through Caminante.

The first trip will take place around March 16-23, 2019. Those traveling will spend 7 or 8 days visiting the different ministries of Caminante. This trip is educational in nature. You will have the opportunity to observe the different programs at the vocational school and visit Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic. You will work with local children in the homework rooms and have the opportunity to help the local teenagers make coconut jewelry.

The second trip will take place around July 21-30, 2019. You would spend 8 or 9 days working with the Sister Denisse and the Caminante staff as they minister to children in their summer community fair. This fair is similar to our Vacation Bible Schools. You would help the children play games, make crafts, help with lessons and serve snacks and lunch. The fair reaches about 250 children each day. What a blessing!

You will assist in taking this fair to one or two villages where Haitian immigrants live and have the opportunity to observe the different programs at the vocational school. You will visit and experience Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic.

These trips are safe and secure. The lodging is in a nice, clean hotel. There are age appropriate activities for recent high school graduates as well as older adults.

The total cost per participant for these trips will be between out $1700 to $1850 per person. This includes airfare, lodging, all meals, trip and medical insurance and sight-seeing expenses.

Partial scholarships are available for all participants. If you feel led to join this ministry please call the Regional Office 405-528-3577 or Don Johnson 580-402-2612 for more information.

2019-01-08T11:31:29-06:00Dec 18, 2018|Mission|Comments Off on 2019 Caminante Mission Trips to the Dominican Republic

Another Successful Caminante Mission Trip Completed!

We are pleased to report eleven people from the Region traveled to the Dominican Republic in late July to work in Caminante’s annual Summer Community Fair. The fair served 300 children, ages 5 to 15 years old, along with over 50 Caminante staff and community volunteers. The mission trip participants included six college students and three Disciple ministers. Thank you for all of the prayers while this group was traveling.

In 2019, we hope to have two mission trips to Caminante. One trip would be in late July to work in Caminante’s Summer Fair. The other trip would be in late March/early April to visit with children in Caminante’s homework rooms. This trip will be educational in nature. Partial scholarship and fundraising help is available for interested participants.

Call Don Johnson for information about Caminante or the upcoming mission trips. 580-402-2612

2019-03-12T09:52:54-05:00Aug 14, 2018|Mission|Comments Off on Another Successful Caminante Mission Trip Completed!

Prayers for the July 2018 Caminante Mission Trip

Please join us in prayer for Taylor Anderson, Rev. Valerie Austin (Community Christian Church – Ponca City), Bret Carter, Harriett Dupus, Mackenzie Dupus, Rev. Mary Heath (Edmond Trinity Christian Church), Alexandri Leist, Debora Touthang, Grace Touthang, Rev. Sei Touthang (Yale Avenue Christian Church – Tulsa), and Allison Wenthold as they prepare to travel July 21 – 28, 2018 to the Dominican Republic for the upcoming Caminante mission trip.

We also lift up the children and adults in the Dominican Republic, as they prepare to welcome our Disciples.

Read more HERE about Caminante.

2019-03-12T09:54:17-05:00Jul 10, 2018|Mission|1 Comment

Caminante Mission Trip News

First of all, thank you for all your help in making the April mission trip to Caminante a success.

The April mission trip was educational in nature. Five participants from four Disciples churches took six suitcases with supplies to donate to baseballs, toothpaste and toothbrushes, clothing, cosmetology and craft supplies.

The Disciples visited four homework rooms where they did a craft project (God’s Eyes) with the children and gave toothpaste and toothbrushes to all in attendance. One participant did electrical repairs.

They made coconut jewelry with Haitian children and visited La Casona, the vocational school. They visited the capital city of Santo Domingo and spent time with Sister Denisse and her staff learning about the various ministries of Caminante.

The group visited a school, about an hour north and east of Boca Chica. Its basketball court was unusable and in disrepair. The Region would like to raise money to repair the backstop and net and buy basketballs. Sister Denisse agreed this was a worthwhile fundraising project for the Oklahoma Region. 

If you are interested in supporting Caminante with a donation, you may donate online HERE or mail a check to the Regional Office:

Christian Church in Oklahoma
301 NW 36th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(note on the check memo “Caminante”)

The next mission trip is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st – Saturday, July 28th. The trip will cost about $1800 per person. Some partial scholarships are available.

Interested in getting involved? Call Rev. Don Johnson 580-402-2612

2019-03-12T09:56:21-05:00May 17, 2018|Mission|Comments Off on Caminante Mission Trip News

Two 2018 Caminante Mission Trips – Find Out How to Get Involved!

The Oklahoma Region is planning two mission trips to Caminante in the Dominican Republic in 2018. These mission trips not only change the lives of the participants but they also change the lives of the children we minister to in the Dominican Republic. These mission trips show the value of churches working together.

The first trip is scheduled for July 21-30, 2018. Those traveling will spend their time working with the Caminante staff as they minister to children in their summer community fairs. These fairs are similar to our Vacation Bible Schools. They will play games, make crafts, and help with lessons. They will serve snacks and lunch daily to around 300 children.

They will also take this fair to one or two villages where Haitian immigrants live and observe the different programs at the vocational school. The group will visit Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic and spend time with Sister Denisse and her staff.

The second mission trip will take place in April, after Easter and before the Regional Assembly. The exact dates have not been finalized. Those traveling will spend 7 or 8 days visiting the different ministries of Caminante.

This mission trip is more educational in nature. They will observe the different programs at the vocational school and visit Santo Domingo. They will also work with children in the homework rooms and make coconut jewelry with local teenagers as well as spend time with Sister Denisse and her staff.

Are you interested in participating in one of these mission trips? These trips are safe and secure, the lodging is in a nice, clean hotel, and there are age appropriate activities for recent high school graduates as well as older adults.

The trips cost between $1600 to $1800 per person. Participants can receive help raising money for trip expenses. Scholarships are available.

Call Don Johnson (580-402-2612) or Loma Sullivan (405 –206-7437) for more information.

2019-03-18T15:44:52-05:00Dec 5, 2017|Mission|Comments Off on Two 2018 Caminante Mission Trips – Find Out How to Get Involved!

​Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center’s Work Recognized in Tulsa

Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center is a not-for-profit agency that seeks to provide resources and assistance to individuals and their families that will empower them to live a successful and purposeful life.

The Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center was recognized by the National Benevolent Association for their work in Tulsa.

Read the article from the NBA HERE

2019-03-18T15:43:43-05:00Sep 26, 2017|Mission|Comments Off on ​Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center’s Work Recognized in Tulsa

Another Successful Caminante Mission Trip Completed

The Region is pleased to report another successful Caminante mission trip has been completed. Eight people from Oklahoma traveled to the Dominican Republic to work with Caminante in their community-wide summer fair. The group traveled on Saturday, July 22 and returned on Monday, July 31 and Tuesday, August 1. Tropical storms in Miami caused their return to last two days.

The summer fairs were held in different neighborhoods around Boca Chica. The fairs are similar to our Vacation Bible Schools including crafts, games, discussions, snacks and lunch.

Each week 225 – 350 children between the ages of 4 years – 15 years old participated. They spent their time working with children for five days, spending time with the care-giving staff of Caminante, and visiting with Sister Denisse about her priorities for the local children. Sister Denisse informed those traveling with Caminante that her first priority is to reduce social and economic racial prejudices directed at Haitian children.

From 2013 – 2016 Caminante had 14 homework rooms supporting about 500 children between the ages of 5 years – 12 years old. Many of these children are Haitian. Eight of these homework rooms were funded by a grant from USAID. Unfortunately, this grant was not renewed in 2017 resulting in closing eight homework rooms leaving only only six homework rooms. Continued financial support is always needed. If you choose to support this ministry with supplies or money please contact Don Johnson at (580) 402-2612.

The Region would like to thank all of the donors who supported this trip as well as the staff that helped behind the scenes. We recognize Rev. Don Johnson and Rev. Loma Sullivan for all their efforts to make this Caminante trip happen. A special thank you to everyone in the Oklahoma Region that made this trip successful, Rev. Pam Holt, Lorna Hernandez, Kelsey Cameron, John Goebel and all the supporting staff.

2019-03-18T15:46:54-05:00Aug 8, 2017|Mission|Comments Off on Another Successful Caminante Mission Trip Completed

8 Travel for July Caminante Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

Please join us in praying for the upcoming Caminante Mission Trip taking place July 22-July 31 in the Dominican Republic. We would like to lift up Bret Carter, Jmikel Thompson, Jessica Coats, Rebecca Foust, Don Johnson, Allison Wenthold, Taylor Anderson, and Linda Catlin in prayer as they prepare to travel to the Dominican Republic to be the presence for the Region in this important children and youth ministry.

Caminante was founded by Sister Denisse in the mid 90’s in the city of Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic. This city is made up of vast contrasts, beautiful white sand beaches and turquoise waters that attract tourtists, but it continues to have a 35% unemployment rate due to the shutdown of sugar cane processing plants in the 90’s leaving many people struggling for work and the means to support their families.

Because of unemployment, children 10 years and younger drop out of school to shine shoes and sell trinkets on the beaches to financially support their families. “Homework rooms” were created by Sister Denisse to educate the local village children. Many children still work on the beaches in the morning, then come to school in the afternoon.






These homework rooms have been successful in keeping the children in school and out of trouble.

Sister Denisse has also created a vocational school supported by local businesses and former recipients of Caminate’s programs. A variety of job skills such as sewing, cooking, baking, computer technology, web site design, pharmacy tech and cosmetology training are taught which lead to good paying jobs.

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma has supported Caminante since 2008. We have provided almost $9,000 in financial support each year and have sent over 60 volunteers on mission trips to Caminante. We thank all of the donors who helped sponsor Caminante with money and supplies. Your support is very much appreciated and we can’t wait to update you on the amazing work that will happen during this July mission trip.

2019-03-18T15:47:18-05:00Jul 11, 2017|Mission|Comments Off on 8 Travel for July Caminante Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

Caminante – A Mission Success Story

A Caminante Success Story…


As an eight year old, Franklin would leave home on Mondays, and walk 10 miles to work the beaches of Boca Chica selling candy and shining the shoes of tourists.  This helped support his family since his mother didn’t have a job.  He went to back doors of restaurants to beg for food.  He would sleep in doorways because it was too far to go home every night.  Franklin didn’t go to school and on weekends, he would go home and give his meager earnings to his mother.

Franklin wondered…“Is there anybody who really cares about me and can give me hope?”  He wrote this thought on a piece of paper and slid it under the door of the Catholic Church.  The priest found the note and called Sister Denisse.  Sister Denisse quickly found Franklin a place to sleep every night. She made sure he went to school and because of his potential, she made sure he went to college.  Franklin became a teacher in our Caminante Mission – Oklahoma Homework Room. Franklin later married and raised a family.

In 2013, we were told; “Franklin has eight children, the youngest is one year old.  His wife died after giving birth and he is now a single father raising 8 children.  The Caminante staff told Franklin that it’s okay to leave here, your family needs you to make more money.”

Franklin replied: “Sister Denisse found me, helped me, and Caminante gave me hope.  The kids here are like me, working the streets and beaches.  They need an education.  They need me and I need them.  There are more important things than money.  I’m staying at Caminante where I can make a difference.”

During a mission trip to Caminante, we visited Franklin teaching in a homework room.  We passed out dental supplies.  To the children, it was like Christmas to receive a new toothbrush. Then, Franklin motioned to the children, they sat quietly. He told the children “Oklahoma makes a difference. I hope, and the children hope, you continue to support us.” He motioned to them again and the children said, “Adios, Oklahoma. Come see us again.”  We saw 35 children with new toothbrushes and hope.  There wasn’t a dry eye among us.  And we knew we had seen the face of Jesus.

Our July 2016 mission trip showed Caminante continues to make a difference.  Homework rooms, once serving 100 children, now serve almost 400 children.  Over 60 people, who benefited from Caminante programs like Franklin, show their gratitude by working or volunteering with Caminante on a full time or part time basis.

Come Join Us:

Two mission trips are planned for 2017. Tentative dates are January 20-27 or January 27-February 3. Trip participants will work with children in the “homework rooms” and see firsthand the work of Caminante. Dental supplies, clothing, back packs, craft supplies, sporting goods, and money for school supplies will be taken to Caminante at this time. A tentative date for the summer mission trip is July 7-14.  Participants on the summer mission trip will help with summer community programs for children. This trip is appropriate for all ages.

If you are interested in participating or donating to Caminante please contact Don Johnson for more information at (580) 402-2612 or [email protected].

Scholarships are available.

2019-03-18T15:54:06-05:00Oct 10, 2016|Mission|Comments Off on Caminante – A Mission Success Story
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