Sept. 9-11, 2019: Northwest Area Clergy Retreat
Northwest Area clergy invite Oklahoma clergy in active service of a congregation to join your colleagues for time away to rest, for continuing education, and connection to others that share a call to ministry. The retreat will focus on congregational transformation. The theme is “So You Think Something Needs to Change!”
Presentations by: Rev. Gene Spillman, Pastor Jeanette Heitfeld, Rev. Larry Metzger, Rev. Tom Stanley, and Rev. Pam Holt. Continuing education credit available.
The retreat is held at Roman Nose State Park. Housing options include typical hotel rooms in the lodge and small duplex style cabins away from the main campus. Housing options are limited, as this event is limited to 22 participants. The Northwest Area Cabinet underwrites up to 50% of this event so that the cost is a reasonable $160 per person.
Questions? Contact Michael Davison [email protected]