Oklahoma Faith Network
The Oklahoma Faith Network (formerly Oklahoma Conference of Churches) connects, motivates, and empowers the witness of Christian communities and individuals throughout Oklahoma on issues of faith and social justice. Founded in 1972, the OFN has a long history of ministry to the people of Oklahoma. Organizing disaster relief solutions, cooperating with government agencies to educate people on specific needs, and hosting events designed to inform and promote understanding and unity, the Oklahoma Conference of Churches touches the lives of people from all socio-economic ranks. Comprised of Christian denominations, Interfaith congregations, and community organizations, the OCC connects the voices and efforts of many groups for meaningful results.
Rev. Shannon Fleck, Executive Director
Oklahoma Faith Network
Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma Disciples Foundation
The mission of the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation is to sustain an enduring financial basis for Christ’s ministry through the prudent investment of funds to ensure a legacy of Christian principles and institutions.
The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation strives to provide means for nurturing God’s people. Gifts to the foundation are pooled, invested and distributed to organizations and ministries related to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). From providing seed money for a fledgling new church to sending a young child to camp, your gifts make an ongoing difference in countless ways. Explore the many opportunities the foundation provides for you to touch lives.
Eric S. Gray, Executive Director
Oklahoma Disciples Foundation
300 NW 70th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73116-7804
405.525.6530 • 888.525.6530
Interfaith Alliance
The Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma (TIA-OK) is an affiliate of The Interfaith Alliance, a national organization built by people of faith from all religions and denominations.
The mission of the Interfaith Alliance Foundation of Oklahoma is to promote the positive role of religion as a reconciling force in public and private life. As people of many faiths, we respect religious diversity and we will work together to make our society more inclusive, our public discourse more civil and our nation more affirming of diversity.
Oklahoma City
The Interfaith Alliance Foundation of Oklahoma, Inc.
Rev. Bob Lawrence, Executive Director
Tulsa Interfaith Alliance
PO Box 35654
Tulsa, OK 74153-0654
Oklahoma Center for Community & Justice
The Oklahoma Center for Community and Justice (OCCJ) is a human relations organization solely dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry and racism and promoting respect and understanding among all people through education, advocacy and dialogue. Our vision is to eliminate bias, bigotry and racism in our state, in our generation.
Our programs reach a broad range of ages, from second graders through adults, and are focused on recognizing and celebrating both our differences and our shared humanity. Our programs are a strong thread in the fabric of Oklahoma, weaving through the decades, touching and changing thousands of lives, making our city and our state a better place to live.
Jayme Cox, President and CEO
Oklahoma Center for Community and Justice
100 West Fifth St, LL-1030
Tulsa, OK 74103
Oklahoma partners with the following camps for summer camp ministry.
Oklahoma Initiatives of the NBA

Tulsa’s Table
Tulsa’s Table, a program of StoneSoup Community Venture, equips at-risk teens for economic and social mobility by cultivating life and job skills through seed-to-table programming.
Since 2013, Tulsa’s Table has utilized church kitchens to prepare and serve 500 pay-what-you-can pop up lunches or dinners across the city and worked with more than 200 children and youth in garden and culinary experiences in varying locations.
In 2016 we began providing learning laboratory experiences that allow at-risk teens to understand the scope of possibilities and solutions associated with food production and service while learning about themselves and the world around them. Students interested in our programming are identified through community collaborators and interviewed for paid internship positions. Immediate goals with this program are to empower students who work through the different levels of training to become leaders in their community and our programming. An entrepreneurial spirit and imagination is fostered throughout. Long-term goals include the acquisition of job and life skills to elevate them from situations of poverty and hunger and supply a critical link to living as self-sufficient adults.
Rev. Christy Moore, Founder
Tulsa’s Table/StoneSoup Community Venture, Inc.
2232 S. Nogales Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74107
Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center
Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center is a not-for-profit agency that seeks to provide resources and assistance to individuals and their families that will empower them to live a successful and purposeful life.
Rev. Sharyn Cosby, President/Director
Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center, Inc.
1020 S. Garnett Rd.
Tulsa, OK 74128