Called to connect, equip, and empower
Called to connect, equip, and empower
Disciples of Christ in Oklahoma to love and serve like Jesus.
Our Mission
The Regional Office is the portal that unites the diversity and mission of each and every congregation, the men, women, youth, and children as they partner with God to build God’s dream of a kingdom here on earth.
- We value, support, and empower over 250 commissioned and ordained clergy who serve the Region of Oklahoma in a variety of settings ~ congregations, hospitals, military, higher education, foundations, non-profit organizations, camp directors ~ all who walk humbly with God celebrating the joys of life and confronting broken relationships, suffering, poverty, sickness, death, and injustice with God’s grace and hope.
- We value, support and empower the 151 diverse congregations who unite around the Lord’s Table every Sunday and the clergy who are called to lead their people to be living witnesses of Christ in their communities and the world.
- We provide educational resources for clergy and laity to have a strong foundation in the biblical stories and practical leadership and faith formation.
- Just as a pastor cares for his or her flock, we pray for and provide pastoral care to our clergy and their families.
- We guide those called by God toward an educational path which prepares them for ministry as a vocation.
- We credential all Disciple of Christ clergy in the Region of Oklahoma.
- We work with congregations helping them to call a pastor, when needed.
- We provide resources and leadership for young people to experience God in dynamic and transforming ways at summer camp and seasonal retreats.
I thank my God every time I remember you,
constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you,
because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.
Phillipians 1:3-5