When Hurricane Harvey hit Houston in 2017, we asked ourselves, “What happens to a pastor and their family when a natural disaster devastates their community, their church, and/or the pastor’s home? How do we as Pension Fund, specifically Ministerial Relief and Assistance, stand with our pastors in these moments of vulnerability when their own financial security is threatened and they are trying to balance the needs of their family, their church, and their community?”
Discerning the answers to these questions led directly to an expansion of Ministerial Relief and Assistance, including a permanent partnership with Week of Compassion to provide grants to pastors affected by natural disasters.
Last week at the biennial General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), hundreds of our members and friends heard from Rev. Miguel Morales, General Pastor of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico as he shared his harrowing story of the moments during and directly following Hurricane Maria. Rev. Morales’ presentation included a powerful video describing how, through the generosity of our donors, Pension Fund was able to act quickly and effectively despite incredible logistical challenges.
The programs of Ministerial Relief and Assistance, such as these, are funded by generous donors and the MRA Endowment. If you are interested in learning more about MRA programs or how to become a donor, click here.
With gratitude,
Rev. Dr. Todd A. Adams
President and CEO
Watch the powerful video about how the Pension Fund supported Rev. Miguel Morales through Hurricane Maria. HERE